Time Locked Staking
This enables users earn bonus rewards from Voting subperiod along with the staking rewards from Build&Earn subperiod.166.865M ASTR TVL
21.19% APR
Current Period04
Current Sub-PeriodBuild & Earn
Period Ends in105 Days
~ 0.00 ASTRBalance L2
nsASTRFrequently Asked Questions
What is Neemo Finance?
What is Timelocked Staking?
What is the Loyalty Program?
How much $ASTR do I need to stake to participate in Loyalty Program?
How do I move up the tiers in Loyalty Program?
When can I withdraw my deposited ASTR from Timelocked Staking?
How to withdraw my assets from Timelocked staking?
Balance: 0.00
Mint on Soneium
Mint and utilize your token in DeFi instantly.
Minimum Stake0.0000 ASTR
Mint Fee0%
Mint Time5-10 minutes
Exchange rate1 nsASTR = 1.0684 ASTR
nsASTR Locked0.0000